
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

Deadline for proposals submissions: 6 September 2010

Abstract of no more than 500 words should be submitted in French, Spanish or English by 6th September to the following address:
Abstract should be an attached Word document. It should include: the name(s) of the author(s), the title of the proposal, the number of the relevant topic (if any) and the abstract. At the end of the abstract, mention the address and full title of the author(s); the organization(s) and email address(es); the name of the corresponding author if the proposal is a collective one.

Decision notification: 30 September 2010

Deadline for submission of the complete papers + separated abstracts: 4 December 2010

Complete papers of accepted proposals will be due by December, 4th, 2010. They can be submitted in English, French or Spanish. Papers will be uploaded on the conference website before the conference.
Papers should be accompanied by an abstract of approximately 500 words on a separate file. Abstracts will be translated and distributed in the three languages during the conference.