ISH conference platform, International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011

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Deploying Timebanking for Human-Scaled Economic Development

Stephanie Ann Rearick, Preston Heath Austin, Marc Earl Brakken

Last modified: 2011-01-18


Timebanking is a proven tool for reconnecting alienated communities. There is also strong belief that it can be used to rebuild abandoned economies. This second goal has not fully borne out. This may be significantly attributable to the repeated position that timebanking is primarily motivated by and for charity goals of providing service for those marginalized by standard social operation. This sets up two complementary difficulties. First, there is a perceived necessity for state or other institutional level funding that risks becoming increasingly scarce in periods of economic stagnation or depression, the very time when alternative currencies become most needed and most powerful. Second, it negates the productive aspect of mutual exchange, instead creating a willingness of give but not extract time. Recognition of the mutual value of timebanking as economic exchange can empower the technology and provide even greater empowerment for the communities that utilize it. By allowing a community to become productive on its own terms, that community is better able to attract and usefully incorporate further investment. Timebanking's community connection goals need to be encoded in its operations, but the operations need to be economic in order to achieve sustainability goals.

Full Text: Brakken Rearick Austin paper