International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011: Announcements <p><strong></strong>This Conference is organised by the University of Lyon&rsquo;s LEFI and Triangle research centres. It is trilingual (Spanish/English/French) and multidisciplinary. It calls for all types of proposals that relate to the field of community and complementary currencies, with a particular focus on the question,</p><p><strong>&ldquo;Thirty years of community and complementary currencies &ndash; what next?&rdquo;</strong></p> en-US Post-conference reports <p>You will find here post-conference reports (english, french) :</p><p>- A <a title="JB ConfRep" href="" target="_blank">Conference report from J&eacute;r&ocirc;me Blanc </a>(French)</p><p>- A <a title="RS confreport" href="" target="_blank">Conference report from Rolf Schr&ouml;der</a> (English)</p> International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011 2011-12-28 Book of abstracts <p>All the abstracts of the presentations in a single document <a href="" target="blank">to download here</a> !</p><p>This book of abstracts is trilingual.</p> International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011 2011-02-11 Opened conference <p>French-speaking conference.</p><div><strong>La monnaie r&eacute;invent&eacute;e&nbsp;: &eacute;clairages internationaux sur les monnaies sociales et compl&eacute;mentaires (Argentine, Br&eacute;sil, France, Grande-Bretagne)</strong></div> <div>Conf&eacute;rence-d&eacute;bat au&nbsp;Palais de la Mutualit&eacute; (place Antoine Jutard, 69003 Lyon - M&eacute;tro Guilloti&egrave;re), le jeudi 17 f&eacute;vrier de 19h &agrave; 21h.&nbsp;</div> <div>Avec :&nbsp;</div> <div>Heloisa Primavera (R&eacute;seau Latino-am&eacute;ricain de Socio-&eacute;conomie Solidaire et Universidad de Buenos Aires - Argentine)</div> <div>Sandra Magalhaes (Banco Palmas, Fortaleza - Br&eacute;sil)</div> <div>Josh Ryan-Collins (University of East Anglia et NEF, the New Economics Foundation - Royaume-Uni)</div> <div>Jean-Louis Laville (CNAM Paris, laboratoire LISE - France)</div> <div>Anim&eacute; par J&eacute;r&ocirc;me Blanc (Universit&eacute; Lumi&egrave;re Lyon 2, laboratoire Triangle - France)</div> <div>Cette conf&eacute;rence-d&eacute;bat est destin&eacute;e au grand public et vise &agrave; communiquer de mani&egrave;re plus large au sujet de l&rsquo;int&eacute;r&ecirc;t et des possibilit&eacute;s des monnaies sociales et compl&eacute;mentaires.&nbsp;</div> <div>Elle assure la transition entre journ&eacute;es acad&eacute;miques (16-17 f&eacute;vrier) et journ&eacute;e Acteurs (18 f&eacute;vrier).</div> International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011 2010-12-16 CC Practitioners Event <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>A participative and collaborative day for gathering, meeting, exchanging, debating between Community and Complementary Currencies Practitioners.</strong></p><p style="text-align: justify;">Come and take an active part in the debates and works of this day in order to emphasize your experiment and expertise, to raise the questions and issues you are faced to, to exchange with speakers and participants from various backgrounds, and to be part of the creation of an international movement of CCC Practitioners.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">This event will be held o<strong>n February 18th 2011, at Communaut&eacute; Urbaine de Lyon/Grand Lyon</strong>.<strong></strong></p><p>All information about this event is available here : <a title="blocked::" href=""></a>, including the <a href="" target="_blank">organizers and partners</a>.</p> International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011 2010-10-20