ISH conference platform, International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies 2011

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Rebuilding social capital in the spirit of ubuntu: the potential of community currencies in pioneering sustainable development in Africa

Joel Thompson

Last modified: 2010-12-11


One of the most exciting frontiers in the ‘what next?’ chapter of the alternative currency movement is the potential for complementary and community currencies to drive sustainable development in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Conditions are ripe for community currencies to drive sustainable ecosystems and human well-being in SSA given sociological, anthropological, cultural, ecological, economic, financial and ethical considerations and realities.

Community currencies in Africa, underpinned by the values of the traditional indigenous culture of ubuntu, will play a vital role in forging a new model of development based upon sustainability, self-sufficiency, healthy growth, human dignity, sacredness of life, cooperation in balance with competition, and ecological and environmental restoration.  A huge opportunity presents itself to reverse Africa’s misfortunes and see it blossom into a continent of lasting hope – and even leadership.